Penn Valley Saving & Loans Business System
Created at CCAC for Advanced Graphic Design Course
February 2023
Concept Narrative
The concept for Penn Valley started with finding a stable yet unique shape. There were many other solutions before reaching the one is the Penn Valley Logo. Through the discovery process, it was found the way to insure a cohesive design was to use a part of font to create the logo. Using the L in Penn Valley, Britannic Bold and trimming it slightly, the design was created with a square in the negative space of four shapes. The rectangle is a stable shape to represent our strong foundation. Four values are represented by the four shapes. Passion, Community, Reliability, and Growth are the important values of Penn Valley saving & loan. The colors correspond to each shape and value. Green for Growth. Orange for Passion. Dark brown for Reliability. Tan for Community. Within the typography of Penn Valley, two fonts were chosen, Britannic Bold and Georgia Pro. Using all cap in Britannic Bold for PENN VALLEY, shows the strength and authority of our bank. While all lowercase in Georgia Pro is personal to show, we care about all our bankers. We strive to provide excellent services and knowledge to spread wealth in our communities and the hearts of every banker.